Help Center

Welcome to the Chatter Research Help Center! On this page we’ll walk you through the basics of using the platform and share tips on increasing engagement with your conversational surveys.

Digital experience

How It Works


Chatter works best when customer-facing employees encourage every customer to take a moment to provide their feedback.


Starting the conversational survey is simple. In most cases, customers can trigger the conversation using one of two methods: (1) Scan the QR code or, (2) Text the trigger word to the assigned phone number (i.e., Text “Hello” to 09421).


Still not sure of how to initiate a conversational survey? Please watch the “How It Works” video.

Main Results Dashboard Overview


While your customers are completing surveys, the dashboard will display live activity and analyze customer feedback in real time using our A.I.


In the dashboard, you will be able to view your key metrics – NPS/CSAT, Initiations, Alerts, as well as the Topics Raised by Customers, and Question Tiles that give you a summary of the responses your customers are providing in your survey.


To get more comfortable, watch the “Main Results Dashboard Overview” Video.

Topic Explorer Overview


As the feedback from your customers comes in, our Stingray-Chatter A.I – which is trained on over 7000+ Retail topics, is able to categorize all the “free-text” replies, where a customer is able to say anything they want, to a specific topic and sentiment – all in real time.


In the Topic Explorer, you are able to view the list of all the topics, along with their sentiment (positive, negative, neutral, mixed) that have been captured and categorized from your customer feedback


To learn more, watch the “Topic Explorer Overview” Video.

NPS Booster Overview


After capturing all the topics from your customers feedback, it’s important to be able to see what type of impact those topics are having on your KPI’s – in both a positive and negative manner.


Using our A.I. – our NPS Booster is able to the assign the topics captured with a measurable impact on your company’s NPS and calculate the level satisfaction or dissatisfaction associated with those topics, highlighting some of the Top Strengths and Top Weakness that your customers have mentioned as key areas to focus on improvement.


To learn more, watch the “NPS Booster Overview” video.

Benchmarks Page Overview


If you have enrolled the Chatter program in multiple store locations, the Benchmarks page allows you to conveniently view your “key metrics” – i.e: Initiations, NPS, # of NPS Responses and/or CSAT and # of CSAT Responses, for all your locations – all in one place.


You can compare how your locations are doing vs each other, sort for high to low for any of those metrics, and export the data into your desired format.


To learn more, watch the “Benchmarks Page Overview” video.

Data Exports Overview


The Data Exports page allows you to export all the valuable data and insights your customers have provided through the surveys into a .CSV format.


There are 4 types of exports to choose from: Replies, Conversations, Topics and Locations Report.


To view the differences between the different types, and more information, watch the “Data Exports Overview” video.

NPS vs CSAT: What’s The Difference?


Net Promoter Score (NPS) shows how likely someone is to recommend your product/service to friends or family and focuses on the customers perception and loyalty to your brand.


CSAT refers to Customer Satisfaction is catered towards understanding how satisfied or unsatisfied a customer was with their experience at your store, or an interaction with a store associate, or even browsing on your company’s website.


For more information on the difference between the two, please watch the “NPS vs CSAT: What’s the Difference” video.

Want a summarized PDF guide of all the content above?

You can download the Chatter by Stingray dashboard user guides below:

English version

Version française


How do I access my account?

1. When you create an account, look for an email with the subject line “Welcome to Chatter!”
2. Open it and click the “Activate my account” button.
3. You’ll then be prompted to set and confirm a password. Once that step is complete, you’ll be good to go!

How do I reset my password?

1. Head to the Chatter login page.
2. Enter your email address and click the “Forgot your password?” button.
3. Enter your email once more, then check your inbox for a message from us containing a “Set new password” button.

I'm locked out of my account – what do I do?

If you cannot reset your password and get locked out of your account, please contact with your name and company email. One of our team members will manually unlock the account.

How are conversations initiated?

Customers typically initiate a Chatter conversation using one of three methods, depending on the options your brand has selected:


1. Scanning a QR code
2. Texting a trigger word to the assigned phone number (for example, “Text HELLO to 77777”)
3. Clicking a link in an email, on a website, or in a pop-up chat window
To learn more about how we can connect customers to your Chatter platform, reach out to [email].

What is the navigation bar?

The Chatter navigation bar allows you to access your account dashboard, edit your profile, select the survey you want to view, and more.

What is NPS?

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a loyalty and satisfaction measurement that is determined by one question: How likely are you, the customer, to recommend this product/service/brand?
Customers who answer 6 or lower are considered detractors, and customers who answer 9 or 10 are promoters.
Your aggregate score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of customers who are detractors from the percentage of customers who are promoters.
NPS = %promoters – %detractors
So, if 80% of your customers are promoters and 10% are detractors (with the rest falling somewhere in the middle), your NPS will be 70.
To learn more about NPS read our article

What is the NPS Booster?

The NPS Booster highlights topics that are significantly impacting your customer satisfaction, helping you better target your CX improvement efforts.
It uses a proprietary methodology to assign a satisfaction and impact score to different topics, then presents a summary of which topics stand out as strengths or weaknesses.

What is NPS Trending?

This feature displays your brand’s NPS trends based on the specified period and filter criteria. If no filter is set, it will display the overall trending line since you began using Chatter.

What are Live Responses?

Live Responses displays the most recent and relevant feedback to a particular question. To review an entire conversation, click on a dialog bubble. This feature is often used by in-store for managers to identify and solve immediate customer issues.

What are Topics Raised?

This feature displays the top five topics being raised by your customers. It also indicates whether the underlying sentiment for each one is mixed, positive, negative, or neutral. Click “View More” to see the full list on the Topics Explorer page.

What are Topic Names?

On the Topics Explorer page, Topic Names are divided into three hierarchical levels, with an optional fourth name representing an extra level of situational
They will be formatted as [Level 1]:[Level 2]:[Level 3] ([Level 4]).
• Example 1: When describing the condition of your fitting rooms, the relevant topic name would be:
Store Experience:Location:Facilities(Fitting Rooms)
• Example 2: A conversation detailing someone’s experience navigating your website would be:
Online Experience:Website:Design(User Friendly)

How do I filter by response(s) on the dashboard?

Filters can be found at the top of the dashboard. By default, responses will be filtered by date.
If you click “Filter by Responses” to the right of “Date,” you will be able to select a specific question as well as the answer you’d like to see. For example, you may want to view the question “How often do you shop with us?” and only see those who answered “Once a month.”

Can’t find what you were looking for?

Fill out this contact form and tell us what you need help with.
